355ml Dosen mit Dosendeckel

Produktbeschreibung Abbildung-DetailsBedingungen  Kann schreibenGrö ß EHö HeDurchmesserEinfaches geö Ffnetes Endestä Mmig250ml92mm211 (66mm)202S

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355ml Cans with Can Ends
355ml Cans with Can Ends


355ml Cans with Can Ends
355ml Cans with Can Ends

355ml Cans with Can Ends
355ml Cans with Can Ends

355ml Cans with Can Ends

355ml Cans with Can Ends


Kann schreibenGrö ß EHö HeDurchmesserEinfaches geö Ffnetes Ende
stä Mmig250ml92mm211 (66mm)202
Standard330ml115mm211 (66mm)202
Standard355ml (12oz)122mm211 (66mm)202
Standard473ml (16oz)157mm211 (66mm)202
Standard500ml168mm211 (66mm)202
dü Nn250ml134mm202 (54mm)200
glatt200ml96mm204 (57mm)202
glatt250ml115mm204 (57mm)202
glatt310ml138mm204 (57mm)202
glatt330ml146mm204 (57mm)202
glatt355ml157mm204 (57mm)202


355ml Cans with Can Ends


355ml Cans with Can Ends


355ml Cans with Can Ends


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